How to Check and Replace Cabin Air Filters – Humble Mechanic

Have you ever been hit in the face with a dirty gym sock? Thankfully I have not. But I have experienced the sensation of a dirty cabin air filter. I was driving a loaner car to training when I turned on the car’s air-conditioning and got a face full of stink. That stink was coming from a dirty cabin air filter. This is the filter that works hard to keep the nasty dirty air from getting into your car. Not replacing your cabin air filter, or pollen filter as I call it, can lead to an unpleasant experience for you and your passengers.

Now this is a dirty cabin air filter!

Dirty cabin air filter

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Old Cars Reader Wheels: 1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS/SS

Sat Feb 25 , 2023
Lawrence Weiner was like many of us who always regretted letting the “one” get away. Lawrence decided to do something about it and made sure the second time around would be the charm with his impressive fountain of youth ’67 Camaro. This is what Lawrence had to say about his […]
Old Cars Reader Wheels: 1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS/SS

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