Your car provides excellent opportunities to earn some extra cash or as a full-time job. Some vehicle side hustles may classify you as an independent contractor, especially after becoming self-employed. This means you should understand your responsibility for paying and collecting income tax. Before monetizing your car, beware of your […]

A new 1955 Oldsmobile Starfire Ninety-Eight convertible, likely pictured in the General Motors Golden CARnival parade at Flint honoring production of the 50 millionth GM product. Chevrolet may have had the honor of building the 50 millionth General Motors vehicle, but all of the company’s divisions celebrated the occasion. On […]

Unfortunately, there is not a national records databank that collects information on exactly how many driving under the influence (DUI) cases get dismissed, but some estimates based on reports from lawyers approximate that 30-40% of DUI charges get dismissed. However, it is almost impossible to achieve that outcome without the […]