How To Replace a Fuel Pump and Fuel Filter ~ Project White Wookie – Humble Mechanic

How To Replace a Fuel Pump and Fuel Filter ~ Project White Wookie

Replacing a fuel pump or fuel filter can be scary. But if you follow these tips, and this DIY, you cando it. In upgrading the VR6 with bigger cams, and adding a turbocharger, I needed to upgrade the fuel system. With the added air, I needed more fuel. After much research and advice, I settled on upgrading the in tank fuel pump.

This “upgrade” didn’t quite go as planned. So this video will show you simply how to replace a fuel pump, and fuel filter. I am working on the video for “How to HACK upgrade your fuel pump”. That will be out soon. I have to be careful about those types of videos. I don’t want to spread bad practices out to the world.

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