How To Buy The Right Engine Oil – Humble Mechanic

how to buy engine oilIt seems like buying engine oil can be a confusing process. Even if you take your car in to a shop for this service, they may have a ton of choices in engine oil. Today I am joined by Steffen from Liquimoly. I had the chance to meet Steffen at the AAPEX show 2016. His demo and explanation of oils, oil additives, and fuel treatments was incredible. I wanted to bring this oil information to you guys to help explain all those words on oil bottles.  You can buy most of Liquimoly line on Amazon.

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Moparian Power Couple | Classic Car Restoration Club

Wed Feb 7 , 2024
In 1996, I was dating a guy who had a ‘73 Charger SE sitting dormant in his driveway. When I went to his house for the first time, it was love at first sight for me. Not with him, with the car. The Charger was purchased by him in 1995 […]
Moparian Power Couple | Classic Car Restoration Club

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