Almost three years ago I pressed record on the camera and started shooting the show. One of the things you guys have been asking me for is an audio only version of the videos. And I could not agree more that having an audio only side of the podcast is a great idea.
I am super happy to let you guys know the Humble Mechanic Podcast is now in a true audio format. I am so pumped to be able to bring this to you guys. Now we can ride to work together, cut the grass, hit the gym, even work in the garden. You don’t have to worry about data streaming or killing the battery on your phone. Just download from your favorite podcast place and smash play!
How To Listen
Here are the easiest ways to listen to the show:
- Play right from
- You can listen to each episode on the site. At the top of every podcast post, there is an audio player. Simply press play. That player will also let you download the episode if you would like.
- Subscribe on Itunes
- For us iPhone people this is probably the easiest way to consume a podcast. You can subscribe to the Humble Mechanic Podcast and get it right in your podcast feed. And hey, if you like the show, give it a review. That would be awesome!
- Subscribe on Android
- Because I don’t dare start the Android VS iPhone debate I wanted to be sure you could subscribe no matter the device. Simply click the link and subscribe right on your Android device
- Other Podcast Feeds
- I am working on submitting to other podcast feeds. If there is another place you want to catch the show, let me know in the comments
Going back in time
Because the video version of the show has been out for a while, I want to go back and post those shows in audio format. That means you get to travel back in time to listen to the early episodes. WOW has the show come a long way since then. For now, the way it will work is new Viewer Car Question podcast episodes will come out on Monday, just like the videos. The rest of the week I will post the older podcasts and quick answer videos from Youtube. This means you will get five days of podcasts for a really long time. This will give me time to fine tune the format, fine tune the notifications and get the show as awesome as it can be.
What about the videos?
For those of you that have been with me on Youtube, don’t worry. Nothing is really going to change from what you will see. I mean I Will still be working my face off to make the best videos and show I can. This is in addition to the video side. So much of the videos I have done for you guys work great in audio only format.
Become A CrewMember
If you like this show. If you get value out of the videos and content that I put out, consider supporting the show by becoming a CrewMember. You will get discounts you can’t get anywhere else, exclusive videos from me, and VW/Audi training manuals. Between the discounts and the training manuals, the CrewMembership can easily pay for itself. Become a CrewMember today
Help Support The Show
Many of you have asked about supporting the show. For that I thank you. For now, the best things you can do are SHARE THE SHOW, and shop with my links on Amazon. You will not spend any more money that you would normally. Here is the Amazon link Humble Mechanic on Amazon or you can check out some recommended tools I have listed below.
As always I love to hear your thoughts. Please post them in the comments section below. Again, if you have a question for a show like this, email me Charles(at)humblemechanic(dot)com with Question for Charles in the subject. Also if you have an idea for a show, contact me via email, or use the contact me form!