Car crashes usually occur unexpectedly and, unfortunately, many of them result in severe injuries or death, leaving the casualties physically, mentally, and financially devastated. To prevent road crashes from happening and save lives, all road users must avoid the following causes of vehicle collisions in Nevada:

According to The Office of Traffic Safety, speeding is a major cause of vehicle collisions in Nevada. When you drive too fast, you will find it difficult to respond quickly when emergencies arise. Speeding is also very dangerous as it increases the force of impact when vehicle collisions occur. This increases the risk of getting catastrophic injuries or fatalities.
Driving while drunk

Drunk drivers usually sustain injuries or lose their lives in lane departure accidents, intersection crashes, and speed-related collisions.
Reckless driving

Careless drivers can engage in reckless driving by failing to yield, tailgating, making unsafe turns, making unsafe lane changes, and racing. All these bad road habits can cause serious vehicle collisions, injuries, and fatalities.
Drowsy driving

Some drivers sacrifice their sleep to maintain their busy and demanding work schedules. This can cause a disastrous crash on the road because fatigue affects critical skills necessary for safe driving such as the drivers’ awareness, response times, mental functioning, and motor skills.
Distracted driving

Distracted driving is doing other activities while driving, like texting, adjusting audio controls, talking to passengers, or eating while driving.
Inexperienced drivers

Driving is a skill that is taught and gained through experience. However, every year, many teenagers in Nevada get into serious vehicle crashes because of their lack of driving experience. Inexperienced teen drivers can fail to recognize dangerous road situations and are more likely to make bad decisions that cause crashes.
Poor weather and bad road conditions

Sometimes, vehicle collisions are caused by factors that we cannot control. For example, poor weather conditions can decrease road visibility, make roads slippery and make it difficult for drivers to stay on the road. In addition, bad road conditions like cracked pavement, potholes, and dangerous road designs can cause a vehicle to break down or veer off the road, leading to a collision. If poor road conditions cause accidents in Nevada, victims can file a legal claim against the government for failing to properly maintain the road. If you are a victim, and you want to hold the government responsible for your crash, you should contact a car accident lawyer in Las Vegas since filing a lawsuit against the government is challenging, there is a short deadline and there are many exceptions.
Vehicle defects
If the components of a vehicle are defective, then they might malfunction and cause deadly wrecks. In such cases, the victims can file a lawsuit against the company or automaker that manufactured or designed the faulty vehicle parts.
To conclude, vehicle crashes can be reduced in Nevada if drivers avoid the following causes of vehicle collisions, speeding, driving under the influence, reckless driving, distracted driving, drowsy driving, and poor weather conditions. Road users should also drive slowly and carefully on unfamiliar roads to avoid vehicle collisions.