Today I will be taking your automotive questions. If you have a question about a car, car repair, DIYs on your car, Volkswagen, mechanic’s tools, or anything car related, ask it up. If you have a car question for a show like this, email me Charles(at)Humblemechanic(DOT)com. Be sure to put the phrase “Question for Charles” in the subject. That is the best way to avoid the spam monster. If you don’t get your question on this show, email it again just to be sure.
Sponsor of the Day
CRP deals in a ton of OE automotive parts. They also make the factory DSG fluid for VW. Having them as a sponsor will give us access to more information about fluids than I would ever get from VW. I am really excited to have them as a resource of information. To learn more about the great products they have, check out
Join me today as I answer your questions on:
- TSI vs FSI engines
- Top 5 VW TSI Engine Failures
- 2010 Jetta radio failures
- Using SEAFOAM to clean carbon from intake valves
- Getting into the automotive business
- Flipping cars
- and more
Trouble viewing? Watch “Viewer Automotive Questions ~ Podcast Episode 136” on YouTube.
As always I love to hear your thoughts. Please post them in the comments section below. Again, if you have a question for a show like this, email me Charles(at)humblemechanic(dot)com with Question for Charles in the subject. Also if you have an idea for a show you can email me, or use the contact me form!
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