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Atlantic Highlands Chamber of Commerce 2022 Summer/Fall Classic Car Shows
Summer Car Show is Saturday, June 18, 2022, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Rain Date is June 25, 2022)
Fall Car Show is Saturday, October 15, 2022, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Rain Date is October 22, 2022)
First Avenue Business District, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. 07716
Registration Is Located At AHCOC Office, 68 First Avenue In Front Lobby & At Veterans Park
All makes, models, and classes are welcome. There will be vendors, music, & trophies for the registrants. FREE for spectators and lots of family fun!
Questions should be directed to the AHCOC office at 732-872-8711 or [email protected]. Show Organizer is Lori Anne Oliwa at (732) 757-7443 or [email protected]
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Vehicle Registration Form:
Summer Car Show_____________
Find out what’s happening in Middletownwith free, real-time updates from Patch.
Fall Car Show_______________
Pre-Registration Pricing: $15 One Show/$30 Two Shows/Day of Price Per Show $20
The AHCOC respectfully requests that mailed forms reach the office no later than FIVE (5) days prior to the event. Please allow ample time for mailing & processing of advance payments.
Registration is also available on the chamber website, www.ahchamber.org
Make checks payable to Atlantic Highlands Chamber of Commerce and mail to: AHCOC Car Shows, PO Box 141, 68 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. 07716
Participant Name: _______________________________
City: ______________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: ________________
Phone: _______________________ Email: __________________________________________
Year_________ Make: ___________________________ Model: ______________________________
Club Affiliation: ____________________________
Amount: $_______________ Check #: __________
In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, participants and spectators, by the execution of this entry form, release and discharge: Atlantic Highlands Chamber of Commerce and the Borough of Atlantic Highlands and their officers, directors and anyone else connected with their show of any cause whatsoever, that may be suffered by an entrant to his/her person or property. Please note, no alcoholic beverages are permitted at this show. I agree to observe all rules and regulations set forth by Atlantic Highlands Chamber of Commerce and rules governing the events as set forth by the event committee. Registration begins at 8:00 am. No vehicle may leave the car show until the car show comes to an end at 4:00 pm. Space is limited. Arrive early, and If you would like to be parked together, please arrive together. Thank you for participating in this event!!!
Participant Signature:___________________________________________________________Date_____________________
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